
Saturday, March 2, 2019

Why Does Love Not Die? With sixberty manson

Why Does Love Not Die?
"It seems so easy to love a person than to maintain that love." -
THE great prospect of unloving marriage is not surprising. Marriage is a complex human relationship, and many enter the relationship without preparing enough. "We have to have some experience before we get a driving license," says Dakt. Dean S. Edell, "but the marriage certificate just needs to be correct."
As a result, while many marriages are burdensome and overjoyed, some marriages end up in problems. One or both of them may have entered marriage with optimistic expectations but do not have the necessary skills to maintain a marriage. "When people love one another," explains Dakt. Harry Reis, "each one is very sure of his mate." They feel that their partner is "the only person in the world who has the same view of them. At times the feeling is fatal and, when it is, the marriage is severely affected. "
Happily, many marriages do not reach the point. But let us briefly consider some factors that cause love to die in some marriages.
Disappointment- "I Do Not Expect This Situation"
"When I got married to Jim," says Rose, "I expected we would have such a passion for a queen and a fascinating king in a single story-a triumph, a bitterness and a friendly act." But, after a while, Rose's "king" again. "At last he was very angry," he says.
Movies, books, and popular popular songs offer untruths about love. When they are dating, a man and a woman may feel that their bridges have come to an end; but after some years in marriage, they say that it was just a dream! Marital life does not endorse what is described in the novels, many view their marriage as impossible.
Without a doubt, certain marriages in marriage are all right. For example, it is worth looking for the love, consideration and support of a marriage mate. And yet, it may even be that prospect. "I feel as if I were not married," says Meena, the youngest married girl in India. "I feel lonely and nobody cares about me."
Disagreements- "We Are Not Alone to Anything"
"We do not have anything to do with my husband," says one woman. "I regret every day that I married her. We do not really fit it. "
It usually does not take long for a couple to conclude that they are not as good as they thought during dating. "Marital life reveals the hidden behavior of the couple while they were outdoors," writes Dakt. Nina S. Fields.
As a result, after getting married, some couples may conclude that they do not really fit. "In spite of some romantic and romantic relationships, many people enter into marital life with very different characteristics in behavior, behavior, and orientation," says Dakt. Aaron T. Beck. Most couples do not know how to solve those differences.
Violence- "We Are Always Arguing"
"We were amazed at our constant arguing-and the worst thing-to talk about," says Cindy, recalling the early days of their marriage.
Misunderstandings are common in marriage. But how is the situation addressed? "In a good marriage," writes Dakt. Daniel Goleman, "your husband and wife are free to complain. But often because of anger, the complaint is provided in a way that hurts and attacks the behavior of the other partner. "
When that happens, the conversation turns out to be a competition, each one holding firmly to his or her views and thus arguing in words instead of communicating. One group of experts says: "One of the worst consequences of uncontrolled controversy is that partners say things that threaten their own marital security."
Undead- "We Were Failure"
"I have failed to make our marriage succeed," he acknowledged a woman after five years of marriage. "I know it will not succeed. Now I'm just concerned about the kids. "
It has been said that the opposite of love is not hate but it's humor. Of course, greed can completely destroy marriages as well as hostility.
Sadly, though, many marriages have endured such a loveless marriage that they have no hope that the situation will change. For example, one husband said that his 23-year-old marriage was like "doing unpleasant work." He adds: "Do your best to do what you can." Similarly, a wife named Wendy has become discouraged about her husband who has lived with her. seven years. "I worked hard often," she says, "but she always shook me. I was depressed. I do not want to face the situation again. Once again I hope, I will only bring pain. Well, I do not trust anything-I'm not happy but at least I will not give up. "
Disappointment, disagreement, controversy, and despair are just some of the factors that contribute to lack of love in marriage. Of course, there are other reasons-a few reasons are discussed in the box on page 5. Regardless of the reason, though, is there hope for those who seem to be trapped in a loveless marriage?

Usisahau kusoma kitabu changu cha The sixberty manson love bible 

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