
Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The great romantic words to the woman

The great romantic words to the woman
                    Sixberty manson 

In a romantic relationship there are two very important words that carry a heavy romantic message for a dearly loved partner, that is, 'I love you' and 'I will marry you'.
These two words to those who know their value are not easy to pronounce at any one who has no plan to love or marry him.
To pronounce these words with the need to seduce a partner or partner in a romantic relationship is a hoax and is a great sin.
Surprisingly, we have often witnessed or seen many lovers narrating or describing how he could be hurt and disappointed by someone who thought he could really love her from his heart and marry her.
You will see him telling how he could first meet with the same person either through his contact with him, through social networks or through telecommunications.
That was the reason why she was confused, confused, giving her and getting into the trap with the sweet words she had heard in her ears. Poor! it is a falsehood, on his side he is asking himself if he is really loved.
Of course the one who wants his answer is very simple, I love you. There are also those who introduce the word without even being asked.
It is all in an attempt to draw the heart of the one who wishes to love her so that she can trust her to be loved but also to be sure of the possibility of getting married.
It is in such a situation, many have been deceived and abandoned. But if they would know that, the question of love, marriage or marriage has a special value in the lives of sincere people would not say those words to the unloved.
Thus, for the one who knows the meaning and importance of those words is not easy to agree with such a partner.
But also for a seductive and unwilling person to say these words, you will see if they are looking for a way or another way to catch the trap.
The kind of words he will use if he is not careful in knowing the truth or his lies, can take you psychologically and also lead you to really believe those words.
For example, a partner can tell you that, "don't worry about it, it's best to first know each other, so you can decide if you really like it or not.
“Then about me and you marry it is a step-by-step result. For another thing it is not something to break. I don't want you to see if I deceive you, I want you to believe that I am honest and even when I say you love you to see the truth come from my heart "
Such a kind of talk is to lose a partner or a caterpillar with a view to having sex.
When the partner is desperate to believe these words quickly without taking the time to evaluate and work these words, it is easy to get a headache to be lost to the heart and later hurt his heart.
Also remember that, when he is slandered by such words, by means of contact with him, through social networks or by phone that, 'I love you' and also need to add a commitment to marry him when he knows with him, it is betraying a partner, boyfriend, wife or husband.
In addition, the use of the words 'I love you and I will marry you' regardless of the value of those words is to hurt the partner or the heart.
It also causes him to become a psychologist, to find a way of suicide simply because he fails to believe what happened after hearing that the words you have spoken are in need of romantic love.
In other words, the use of these words can cause you to miss the value of love between you and the one you really love.
Sometimes the use of these words can lead to the one who has the intention to seduce her, either with good intentions to find you romanticly after you have been hostile to you or to hurt you with an evil intention to hurt you with your heart.
Sometimes before saying these words, it is good for a partner to ask himself twice about what he wants to do to the one who has a purpose of deceiving him.
Ask yourself, is it right to tell someone else than you have chosen in your heart, to love him deeply and perhaps even embrace him and marry him that you love him and will marry someone else different from him?
If you are a lover and have a boyfriend, husband or wife try to change your behavior by keeping the dignity of your spouse's love, if he has respect and care for your love, be in the fear of God within you.
But also be honest with the words you speak. Do nothing or say sweet words for the need to please him or her to find someone you want in romance.
Do not use the words I love for you, and do not promise that you will marry her, it is not desirable.

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