
Monday, January 17, 2022



Prepared by: Sixberty Manson - ©️2022


These are excellent questions — honest, raw, and vital.

Let’s dig in.

Because many people choose to reject God’s forgiveness.

Hell was not designed for humanity. It was created for Satan and the demons, to lock them away from the rest of creation because they committed themselves to rebelling against God and everyone He created.

God is not willing for a single human being to perish in hell. Jesus went to the Cross specifically to open the way to life eternal, so that anyone who desired to be with God can be.

But — it is your choice.

Listen to God as He pours out His heart:

y as I live, declares the Lord GOD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked should turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! For why should you die, O house of Israel?'


—Ezekiel 33:11, BSB

You bear the responsibility to choose. God welcomes you with open arms the second you decide to turn to Him and live. That’s what He wants.

Here, you may object and say, “But I’m not living an evil life! I’m a good person.”

You probably are a good person. God made you; He filled you with goodness, because He made everything good in its original state.

Yet: you also pursue evil.

God designed you for ultimate good. God designed you for ultimate pleasure and joy. These things are only found in Him. He knows exactly what it takes to fulfill you, satisfy you, delight you, and sustain you. He calls you to follow Him, that you might know the reason for your existence. God wants you to fulfill your destiny.

But if you turn away from your destiny — that’s evil.

If you turn away from the source of all love, satisfaction, and happiness — that’s evil.

If you trade the God of ultimate joy for anything lesser — that’s evil.

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